Apple has launched iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4, but some people are difficult to identify between iPhone 3G and 3GS.By looking at model number, you'll know it's 3G or 3GS, so what are the model number of iPhone 3G and 3GS?
Below instructions will show you.

How to identify iPhone 2G

- Silver back casting
- Metal back cover = 2G
- Memory capacity 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB and 16 GB
- iPhone 2G: A1203 (look for this number in the back side of your iPhone)

How to identify iPhone 3G

- Hard plastic back casing with avail colors ( black and white )
- Memory capacity 8 GB and 16 GB only
- iPhone 3G: A1241 (look for this number in the back side of your iPhone)
- Grey writing (on back) = 3G

How to identify iPhone 3GS
- Hard plastic back casing with available colors ( black only )
- Memory capacity 32 GB
- Already comes with 3.0 version
- iPhone 3GS: A1303 (look for this number in the back side of your iPhone)
- Silver writing (on back) = 3GS

Reference: http://www.geekblogger.org/